Apply for Middle School AND High School this year!
Grades 5 - 11 in 2025-26
Join a school tour!
We are a tuition free, open enrollment, college preparatory middle AND high school.
We are a public charter school (learn more here) that does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
Questions? Email
Non-Discrimination Statement: A charter school shall not discriminate against or limit the admission of any student on any unlawful basis, including on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, disability, intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, race, creed, gender, religion or ancestry. A school may not require any action by a student or family (such as an admissions test, interview, essay, attendance at an information session, etc.) in order for an applicant to either receive or submit an application for admission to that school.
If applications exceed the available capacity, a lottery will take place. You will be notified with details of the lottery process.
We will enroll a full class of fifth grade students, about 75 ninth grade, 25 tenth grade students and a small number of sixth, seventh, eighth grade students for the 2025-2026 school year. Your child is welcome to apply!